Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay about Lao-tzu The Moderation Of Rule - 838 Words

Ruling a country effectively is executed through a variety of methods. Lao-Tzu, a follower of Taoism, expresses his belief on the most efficient way to govern. quot;The more prohibitions you have, the less virtuous people will be. The more weapons you have, the less secure people will be. The more subsidies you have, the less self-reliant people will bequot; (25). This quote from Lao-Tzu can be interpreted many different ways. The author discusses what he feels the role of a leader should be, the restrictions and the privileges that should be given to the people. There are various views on this particular passage even among Americans. Lao-Tzu feels that taking action in order to make people feel safer and ensure their well being will†¦show more content†¦The majority of crime committed against the government or any official organization by the people is out of spite or revolt for the prohibitions that are placed upon them. Therefore, Lao-Tzus ideal is illustrated through the actions of the early American colonists.Having a greater amount of weapons will cause the people to feel less safe. If you live in a neighborhood where you do not have to lock your doors at night you will feel safer than if you lived in a neighborhood where every night you have to set the alarm on your house. On an international level, the more weapons a country has the more people will live in fear. They will feel that they a re in a great amount of danger if the need to be protected with weapons is so significant. This will also cause other countries to believe they are in danger, as if they were about to be attacked. This year the storing of biological weapons by Iraqi officials alerted America and the United Nations. The Iraqi people then felt unsafe as well as the rest of the world, especially the American people as the world was questioning Iraqs motives. Why would Iraq store such significant amounts of detrimental biological weapons if they did not have any intent to use them? Lao-Tzus theory is found to be factual through the movements of Iraq to protect its people.The more you give to people, the less independent they will become. When people are regularly provided with any serviceShow MoreRelatedA Good Leader : Lao Tzu1731 Words   |  7 Pageshis way. In modern day society a good leader would be Lao-Tzu. He uses beliefs and tactics that are civil for today’s society. As for comparing two great leaders from a time so far back, I would have to pick Machiavelli as a great leader. The way the writers present them in the book is almost opposite in every aspect. Lao-Tzu has a laissez-fa ire approach on things, while Machiavelli is the opposite and is ready for war. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Rock And Roll Is Important Throughout The History

Rock and roll is so important throughout the history, which always contributes to the story of music, the public, and the society. It is an indispensable part of music, in which countless famous artists and bands shine repeatedly. The trace of rock and roll is easily found everywhere in different types of music, like hip-pop. It has allowed artists to speak on political issues and influence government. For normal people, sometimes rock and roll is like a window, through which people can notice inequality, darkness but also hope. It becomes everyone’s emotions’ destination and also is able to instigate campaigns by utilizing their emotions. Rock and roll is woven into the natural fabric of lifestyle. It is common to find that someone’s favorite music is rock and roll. As for fashion, rock and roll elements are supposed to appear in lots of clothing, decorations, and bags. As a result, I find it necessary and interesting to meditate about rock and roll itself and i ts history. During the development of rock and roll, from its brith to explosion and be mainstream, it has always been influenced by social and culture changes. Social and culture context plays the key role in the development and evolution of it. To some extent, the context controls the death of not only rock and roll but also other genres. However, social and culture changes also promote the division and brith of new types. In turn, each kind of rock and roll reflects those changes during the last sixtyShow MoreRelatedAmerican Pie Is A Song That Made A Huge Impact On Americans850 Words   |  4 Pagesnineteen fifties through nineteen seventies after Buddy Holly’s death. Many events from those years are controversial. McLean also stated how music changed from these decades. Rock ‘n Roll used to be popular since the fifties. American Pie by Don McLean describes the transition in Rock ‘n Roll music from the iconic history of the mid nineteen hundred. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Question: Discuss about the Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. Answer: Introduction The research will involve the causes of maternal deaths amongst women and on the strategies that can be considered to be able to reduce the number of maternal deaths. The paper will focus on a film that shade light on the causes of deaths of women at the end of their pregnancy. In the film, Sarah James delivered her second daughter Grace the normal way through the vagina, but later on, she experienced vaginal bleeding. She experienced vaginal trickling and boggy fundas that made it necessary for the midwives with the help of the doctor to transfuse her with blood and oxytocin from time to time. Her condition only became worse, and later on, she had difficulties in breathing. Sarah was later taken to the theater after about an hour and 40 minutes of unmanaged vaginal bleeding. The local private health center is unable to control the situation fully and thus refers her to a public healthcare by the name of St Helen's, and at this time the doctors were not feeling her pulses. The emergency unit took some time to take her to the hospital because of the redirection that the doctor makes. The transfer is because of the need for Helen to acquire a quick hysterectomy. She later passed on at St Helens hospital because they were unable to manage her hemorrhage. The paper will give light on the prospects that are to be implemented to help mitigate the maternal deaths of innocent women in need of healthcare. Data was attained stating that the number of deaths has declined from an approximated number of 35800 maternal deaths to 530000 deaths annually. Africa and Asia report the most maternal deaths in women. The maternal deaths can be caused by factors that can be controlled. There are some causes of maternal deaths that are beyond the control of the health team. Such cases include indirect obstetric causes. The maternal deaths often occur within 42 weeks in instances that are related to the monitoring of the pregnancy. The survival of a woman depends on the ability to acquire health care in time (Grnvall et al. 2014) Factors that contributed to the death of Sarah James To begin with, Sarah James death was caused by the prolonged vaginal trickling a condition that was persistent. The condition led to her being hemorrhage, Sarah James had to be added blood frequently and even gauzes inserted in her vagina to stop the bleeding. But more milligrams of blood kept on being lost. The intensive bleeding made her weak, and she started feeling tired. At the time of her transfer, she had lost 2litres of blood. The uncontrolled vaginal bleeding was the major cause of death ( Egenberg et al. 2015). The other cause was the fact that there was poor coordination of the midwives and the doctor. The doctor was not around most of the time. The doctor was called most of the period and gave directions without a clear description of the condition of Sarah James. Oxytocin was administered to Sarah James most of the time yet the condition of the patient continued to deteriorate. The decision to take Sarah James to the theater in the local health care was late, and the patient was in a severe condition. After her theater session, things became even worse with the patient being unable to manage her airways. The nurses watched the patient suffer yet they could not agree on whether to call the doctor or not. Moreover, the doctor was not conversant with the condition that Sarah James was in, and so he had to take a lot of time researching on coagulation in patients. It is after some time that he discovered that Sarah was depicting signs of moderate anemia. Delays in diagnosis are a major cause of maternal deaths because of the delayed treatment process. The wrong prescriptions were being administered throughout the session. Lack of proper technical knowledge in the field of health has made it difficult for patients to acquire quality healthcare (Bolin et al. 2014). Sarah had to wait for so long for Doctor Krite to admit that he and his team could not help her. There was the delay in reaching care. The emergency team that was first called by the midwife to take the patient to St. Margaret health center that was a private hospital. Dr. Krite redirected the doctor that was on shift that the patient should be transferred to St Helen public hospital. Sarah was referred to a modernized hospital, where Sarah James could acquire a prompt hysterectomy. The delayed decision to the right medical care was a major cause of her death. Therefore, the cause of the death was controllable. Lastly, the death of Sarah James was caused by lack of proper medical care. The local health care that Sarah James chose to visit lacked the facilities to administer the best care to Sarah James. The medical center lacked its emergency services transport. The local medical center was unable to administer hysterectomy to Sarah James. Delays could not otherwise be sustained if the facilities were present at the institution. Under development of medical centers is a major cause of maternal deaths. Communication and documentation Communication between the Sarah James and the caregivers was apt. Sarah was spoken to politely throughout the session. In addition, the caregiver talked to her every time asking her on how she was feeling. Sarah was informed on what she was being injected with every time an injection was being administered to her. It is also significant that before Sarah was taken to the theater, she was explained to what she was to undergo. She was then made to sign a document agreeing to be taken to the theater. In addition, every time she had blood pressure and the temperature was assessed, the data was recorded in her medical report immediately (Jorgenson, 2013). It was identified that documentation of the records was inaccurate because the caregivers were talking and thus the caregiver that was assessing Sarah James was unable to take down data regarding her pulse rate. It is evident that the caregivers were so tensed to keep the records more so at the time that Sarah James was in the recovery room. The other shortcoming in the manner of communication was the inability to listen to what the other caregiver was saying and thus there was no coordination of ideas (Dahlke et al. 2015). Best Clinical Practice Recommendations in the management of a PPH The quantity of blood that was lost was not measured at any juncture. The midwives just looked at it and threw away the blood soaked clothes. The practice is questionable, but there is no evidence that indicates that the caregivers are supposed to measure the amount of blood (Chi,2015).The blood quantity was just approximated. It was appropriate for the caregivers to study the blood loss from Sarah James from time to time. The use of oxytocin was appropriate for the control of PPH (Lavigne?Lissalde, 2015). In addition, the health center also applied the best practice recommendations by incorporating prostaglandin gels in the case of Sarah James. The use of oxytocin is important for patients with PPH because it is very effective than other drugs. In addition, oxytocin can easily be combined with other drugs such as prostaglandin, ergometrine and carbetocin thus it is very apt. Conversely, the drug has limited side effects to the patients. Such a drug is the most relevant in the case of a woman having the PPH for it will not further her infections (Le Gouez Mercier, 2016). Oxytocin performs the role of reducing the blood loss of a woman with PPH First and second line drug and fluid management The first and the second line drugs were not well managed. The best practice recommends that for PPT to be well managed; then oxytocin should be combined with ergometrine, carbetocin and the prostaglandins (Liu et al. 2014). Only prostaglandins were combined with oxytocin. In addition, there was poor management where the caregivers did not administer ergometrine after the dose of oxytocin failing to stop the bleeding that Sarah James was experiencing. The patient was transfused with blood from time to time to make sure she had enough blood (Hofmeyr Qureshi, 2016). According to the best clinical practice recommendations, the caregivers are required to give a dosage of 20 units in managing complications that occur in pregnancies. In the case of Sarah James, the local health care was giving Sarah 5 units of oxytocin in the third stage. After some time, after the direction of the doctor, the midwife was to administer 40units in one Litre of normal saline that was to be given the frequency of 125ml per hour. In the case of the best practice requirement, a patient that is using the drug should be given 20units in a Litre of fluid and then 40 drops given to the patient in intervals of one minute (Sentilhes et al. 2016). The best practice requirements were not critically followed by the caregivers. The overdose of the drugs could have resulted to the seriousness of the case of Sarah James. Other non-pharmacological methods of managing a PPH It is also important to note that the caregivers were efficient in identifying that oxytocin was the most effective drug for the management of complications of pregnancies. At the juncture that a patient is identified to have symptoms of PPH, she is supposed to be massaged (Mishra Doke, 2015). In the case of Sarah, the massage was not administered immediately. It was only done once, and though it helped reduce the bleeding, the midwives did not persist on it alongside other medications. The massage of the fundas is recommended because it is easy and it reduces the medical costs that could be sustained if another practice was administered. The uterus packaging is appropriate in reducing a blood loss. It is important that Sarah James had her uterus packed with four gauzes at the theater to control her bleeding. It is contrary to the case that uterus packaging helps in reducing the chances of getting a hysterectomy (Salati Tolosa, 2016). In the case of Sarah James, she had to be transferred to another medical center for the invasive procedure. The uterus packaging was either delayed, or it was not done in the proper way. General principles of managing an emergency There should be a chain of command in the monitoring of PPH. Before the midwives administer any treatment, they should be advised by the physician in control. Therefore, it is evident that the midwives that were taking care of Sarah James were keen to follow protocol before engagement in any practice. The process to a great extent delayed the medication process because the doctor had to be reached every time through a call. Before a patient is referred to another medical center, a protocol must be followed (Seacrist Noell, 2016). In this case, delays can be experienced because of the lags that are experienced before decisions are reached more so when the doctor or the one in authority is far away. The principles create formality on operations, but they have implications. A woman experiencing PPH as a result of continuous bleeding after a vaginal birth should be monitored sensitively by medical practitioners. The situation poses a great risk to the woman. It is evident that there are symptoms that may depict that a patient is not responding to the treatment that is being administered (Macrae Draycott, 2016). If the patient becomes weak, cannot communicate and also has difficulty in breathing then the patients condition is deteriorating. In the case of Sarah James, she had all these symptoms, and yet they were not taken seriously at the beginning. It was until the caregivers studied her pulse rate that the doctor had to refer her to another hospital. It is with certitude that the life of Sarah could have been saved. If at the point that she became weak and her temperature and blood pressure were at critical point she could have been referred to a modernized hospital, then she could have survived. It is not moving for a doctor to carry out a research o n the condition of a patient at a time that the patient is at a critical point. The doctor must be conversant already with the cases of coagulation (Behling Renaud, 2015). Teamwork in responding to an emergency Teamwork was properly carried out by the team at the hospital. The midwives worked in twos at the beginning and after Sarah delivered her daughter Grace. The midwives communicated from time to time. Throughout the time that Sarah was in the hospital, there was teamwork (Jackson Tuckey, 2017). The midwives accompanied Sarah to St Helen medical center where she is referred. The problem arises when the doctor makes his decisions before the consultation, and the other team members are confused. The doctor later redirected the midwives to transfer Sarah to a public hospital yet initially they had agreed that the patient should be taken to a private hospital. The caregivers were concerned about the condition of Sarah, but the problem was that they did not respond in time. Teamwork should be more effective in the time of turbulence at a medical care which was not the case. Delays were caused by calling and the arrival of the emergency team (Varghese et al. 2015). Training should be administered to most of the medical practitioners. Training enables the caregivers to be more conversant with the medical procedure. For instance in the case of measuring the amount of blood loss of a patient that is suffering from PPH. Training will help in the efficiency of most of the procedures that are undertaken in the health centers (Rousseau et al. 2016). In addition, patients should be informed of the way to go about when they notice some symptoms. Like in the case of Sarah, if she was informed that her condition could not be treated in the local hospital, she could have advocated being taken to another medical institution. The emergency services more so those of the transport sector should be quick to respond to emergencies. Like in the case of Sarah, the emergency services team delayed a bit when they were summoned. Communication should always be effective amongst the team members at health facilities. For instance, most of the time the doctor was not around, and he only checked on Sarah on very few occasions (Wikkels et al. 2015). The collaboration of all the team workers would create more sensitive care to patients that suffer from pregnancy complications. It is also important for a health care to have its emergency services vehicle that can help in timely transportation of patients to referral hospitals. Conclusion There is an indication that a lot of women and not just Sarah James have lost their lives in cases related to complications of pregnancy. The cases are serious because they have led to massive deaths in women. The fact that some of the causes of the deaths could be controlled is so sad. It is evident that more developments and training should be done in health care facilities so that they can better give quality health care to patients with obstetric complications. Ethical standards should always be incorporated in medical care for the best results. The ability to save lives makes the health care sectors to earn the respect that they deserve. It is important for all stakeholders in the healthcare sector to diversify research and engage in the best practices so that the best care is given to women with PPH References Behling, D. J., Renaud, M. (2015). Development of an obstetric vital sign alert to improve outcomes in acute care obstetrics. Nursing for women's health, 19(2), 128-141. Bolin, M., kerud, H., Cnattingius, S., Stephansson, O., Wikstrm, A. K. (2014).Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Risks of Placental Dysfunction Disorders: A Population- Based Cohort Study. Obstetric Anesthesia Digest, 34(2), 106-107. Chi, B. H. (2015). Translating clinical management into an effective public health response topostpartum hemorrhage. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics Gynaecology, 122(2), 211-211. Dahlke, J. D., Mendez-Figueroa, H., Maggio, L., Hauspurg, A. K., Sperling, J. D., Chauhan, S. P., Rouse, D. J. (2015). Prevention and management of postpartum hemorrhage: acomparison of 4 national guidelines. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

My Ideal Wife Essay Example

My Ideal Wife Essay My Ideal WifeA Descriptive Essay A popular saying goes, Marriage involves three rings: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering. If it is commonly felt that marriage is so difficult, why do most people wish to get married? Probably, the instinct to find a mate is inherent in human beings; and I am no exception. Somehow, I believe that there is someone out there who was made especially for me, and, once I find her, we will fall in love, and get married; and only then will I feel complete. So, how will I recognize the right girl for me? What qualities should I be looking for? It is very important to have a person you can always rely on. I want my wife to be this person. She would be tightly connected with my life. I want to wake up by her tender kiss. The first thing I would see would be her smiling face. She would make a breakfast for us. We would call each other from time to time during all day. In the evening I want to have dinner with her, cooked by her, and fall asleep holding my arms around her. First of all, my future wife should be my best friend. I want to share all my troubles, sorrows and dreams with her. We will write a custom essay sample on My Ideal Wife specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on My Ideal Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on My Ideal Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She would never let me down and I could always rely on her. Secondly, I want my wife to be my partner. Everything would be common for us: our children, our house, our money, and duties. And we would have to make important decisions together. They should be sensible and reasonable. Also, we should trust each other. Next, I want to have a good mother for my future children. She should be warm-hearted, gentle, understanding, and sometimes strict with them because a mother plays more important role in bringing up children than a man does. I wish my children were worthy members of modern society. Then, my wife should be an elegant and a good-looking woman. I want her to have smartness and beauty combined. Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a girl who is smart and beautiful at the same time but I will do my best to find her. Character is more important than looks. I cannot deny that I am attracted to good-looking girls, but marrying solely for physical attraction will probably lead to short term pleasure but life-long regret. I have also noticed that beautiful women are often vain and rrogant, which I find most unattractive. One of the main things that I admire in a woman is humility. Such a woman will not boast about her wealth, intelligence or achievements, but, instead appreciate other peoples abilities and achievements. She will also readily admit when she has made a mistake. Such a woman would be a joy to live with. Good communication is the key to any solid relationship, most of all, marriage. I would want my future wife to share her thoughts with me. I want to hear her dreams and to share in her struggles. On the other hand, I will also need someone who will be ready to listen to me, and interested to know what is happening in my life. There should be no secrets between us. Life is full of challenges. We can expect to face failure as well as success; heartache as well as joy; boredom as well as excitement. So, the perfect wife should have a positive attitude and a good sense of humour. She should be witty and say things which make me laugh. The perfect wife would also be one who can see the silver lining behind every cloud, rather than focus on the flaws in every situation. With such a woman, I will be encouraged to look at life in a happier and more positive way. Above all other qualities, the perfect wife will be faithful. She must be someone who really believes in that marriage is made to last till death do us part. She will be totally committed to our relationship, and willing to stay for the long haul, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse; as couples promise in the wedding vows. The perfect wife would not be distracted by other men; not even when I have lost my looks. He would be a one man woman. In return, I will also promise my total loyalty and faithfulness to my future wife. Actually, there are many other qualities that make a woman an ideal wife. However, while it is easy to make lists, finding a woman to live up to them will be very difficult. Furthermore, instead of focusing on my requirements for the perfect wife, I think I should recognize my own imperfections, and set about correcting them. As Barnett Brickner said, Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. | |